It has never been easy introducing myself. Yet, I would like to share a few details about me. I am from the lovely island of Saint Lucia! 238 square miles. Known for its drive-in volcano and twin peaks. It is also a major tourist destination.

My Interests

There is just something about wind rustling through trees, birds chirping, sun peeking cheekily through leaves which makes my life immensely better.

I grew to love technology after realizing, as a child, the diverse ways I could keep myself busy with a computer . There was so much I could learn. I remember my dad getting me an application called PrintMaster back then.  I spent hours designing cards and creating little Valentine's day hearts. Those were fun days.

Though it’s been a long time since I really focused on listening to music, on difficult days, I find myself going back to some of my favorite artists and songs. Some days I listen only to instrumentals- guitar, violin, full orchestra. It has a  soothing effect.

Once upon a time, I fancied myself an amateur poet and writer. I don’t consider this to be true anymore but I do turn to writing at times when I need to figure out my emotions. It’s a great outlet which also helps me with introspection. 

Life is about learning - and lately I’ve been focusing more on non-fiction. I still find fiction satisfying but I currently wish to make progress in various areas of my life. I have found some of the writers' perspective helpful and refreshing. I have  experienced paradigm shifts which have improved my quality of living.

Art and Craft
DIY projects interest me. I’ve tried several sewing and paper projects in the past years and really enjoyed the outcome. I also dabble in photo editing and the creation of cards, invitations, brochures and such. I also tried my hand at digital drawing, but I think I may need to hone my drawing skills first.

If you can’t buy me something techie, bring me to eat! Well that was my mantra once upon a time. But now that I’m a struggling plant-based eater, the options are a bit limited that it’s not as easy as it used to be. But, I still have an appreciation for good food. So please, include good plant-based food options when inviting me to socialize.

How I Unwind

Asian TV 
I first stumbled upon Asian TV shows on Netflix several years ago. After this, a dear well meaning friend introduced me to Viki and I have been hooked since. This is my favorite time waster.

This (and podcasts) is the only form of multitasking I am capable of. Listening to an audiobook while performing my household duties is amazing. My workload feels much lighter and I get to absorb the contents of a book at the same time. Isn't technology amazing?
Sidenote: Some chores do help me unwind, but the two together is the ultimate experience.

Oh the joy! I have been listening to a few podcasts lately that I really enjoy. It’s not every day I feel like listening to a book, so I find something on the shorter side to listen to. Some are motivational and inspirational, while others are simply for entertainment. Podcasts can be a great source of learning. Most of the books on my reading list have been recommended via a podcast.

I have found that long walks through nature really help clear my mind and soothe my spirit. The feeling is almost indescribable.

Beach day
The waves, the sun, the sea! So majestic! So vast! What better place than this to drown out an overactive mind? On days when the beach is quiet, I sit and enjoy those sounds of nature.

Well, this is all that I can think of for now. I have a wide range of interests - which I sometimes think is my Achilles heel. But it does mean that I am never bored. 

Hope you enjoyed the little about me I have shared. Don’t forget that I can be reached through the contact page!

It’s ten months since I decided to go on a journey of being my authentic self. Yet, I’ve only published one blog post. This is no indicator that I have not tried - I have several semi-completed posts in draft. For this reason, I’ve had to ask myself, “Why is doing this so difficult for me?” I’ve had some time to think about this and here is what I came up with.

1. I love being in the shadows.

As much I’ve had this desire to put my thoughts and feelings on various topics out there, I’ve always loved being out of the spotlight. My dilemma is that I’m hoping that someone somewhere will read my blog and be able to relate to what I’m sharing but another part of me also hopes that not many people will find it and I can happily type away at my keyboard in anonymity. 

2. I have an image of myself that I’d like to protect. 

Let’s face it - we all have those few people in our lives who just think we’re that super awesome, well balanced individual who has his/her shit together.  The vain part of me wants to hold on to that. I also don’t want those individuals to be disappointed in my humanness. 

3. The fear of making a mistake. 

My thoughts and feelings are NOT always pretty. Okay, they’re hardly ever pretty. Luckily, I have learned sufficiently the art of keeping my mouth shut and my eyes averted in order to save myself from the horror of having to retract my words. In this age of screenshots and screen recordings, everything I put on this page can be immortalized. *gulp*

4. I just want it all to be perfect. 

Oh yes, this right here. I have a list of unpublished blog posts sitting in my drafts because I don’t think they’re good enough. Even while I am writing this, I am thinking that maybe I should not post this because I have not chosen an image to use with it. Well, not today. I have promised myself that I am going to post this as imperfect as it may be. It’s progress that matters. 

New Year Resolutions?

I get it. We jot down the goals, we watch them die slowly, and sometimes even quickly, as the weeks turn into months. So what is the point? 

Half way through 2018 I gave up on planners. I stowed my planner away into the depths of a drawer and decided that I would just wing it the rest of the year. I was tired of the empty spaces on my planner which to me equated to failing at having my life together. For that reason I was ready to try something new. No planners. No dates. Just a list.

After two months, I realized that this was not working out for me so I started doing research on ways of planning and I found out about Bullet Journaling. It sounded like something I could work with. I read a bit about the system and got myself a dot matrix notebook. It was when I sat with my pens in hand that realized I had not invested enough time into learning the system. I felt lost. I was not ready to create a bullet journal and I was also not prepared to spend the time learning it. 

Before this, I had been using Passion Planner from 2016. It has options for an undated planners, year planners and academic year planners. I briefly considered getting an undated planner but for the reason of just wanting things simple and straightforward, I decided to stick with a dated planner. Though I disliked seeing empty spaces on my planner, it helped me feel more accountable. I liked working with a list of things to accomplish within the month and breaking them down into weeks and into daily tasks or appointments. I really liked the ease of not having to determine this myself. For this reason I decided that I would give my passion planner another chance. The years that I had used it did help bring more order to my life than I had in the latter part of 2018 - and I only realized this after giving up on it.

Instead of running away from the blank spaces, I want to work towards understanding that everything cannot and will not always be planned. I want to help myself understand that with successful planning one has to learn to be flexible and also kind to oneself. I am human, and it is alright to have blank spaces. It is alright to fall back on plans when you're tired or busy. It is alright to put other things first, like family, friends, neighbors. And if this is why your planner is blank - people matter most - always.
(Photo Credit: Plush Design Studio on Unsplash)